“We bring you the World to your home” Foundation

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Our goals * “We bring you the World to your home” Foundation


The Foundation objectives are to familiarize every 5-10 years old child in Hungary with foreign nations and culture. We would like to reach children in preschools and in primary education both in public schools and in non-government educational institutions.

Different cultures could be introduced one by one and also by comparing them with each other. According to the age of the target groups we believe that the best way to present these cultures is to compare them with each other in order to sink in the information more efficiently.

Our aims to organise such courses, seminars and interactive trainings, which offer children opportunity to gain knowledge about different cultures.

This kind of education gives a spectacular success especially in this age since children’s comprehension is fast, their heart is open and they can receive deeply and freely. Learning about cultural diversity offers wide range of knowledge to prepare the generation of the future for living together peacefully and with constructive cooperation. We offer a playful way of learning about different cultures which is very useful since this kind of class is missing from the education.

All lessons are interactive and deal with issues of everyday life (e.g. holidays, eating habits, education, social roles, etc.)

It is required to attend a cross-cultural communication class in many universities because understanding and gaining knowledge about cultural diversity is fundamental in constructive cooperation between nations and cultures.

Advantage of educating children in early age about cultural diversity is that this knowledge enters easily and deeply children’s consciousness and moral values, thus helping them to experience different cultures and to develop their own individuality.