“We bring you the World to your home” Foundation

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Our goals for the first year


As it was explained in the Our Goals page our Foundation’s aims are to familiarize every 5-10 years old child in Hungary with everyday life of foreign nations and culture.

In order to publish a teacher’s hand book until the end of 2011 which may help them in primary education, grade 1-4, we would like to get enough grants from applications, proponents, membership fee, from the prices of the courses and from road show fees. Currently there are approximately 3600 primary schools in Hungary. We would like to provide one free copy in every primary school library before this Christmas.

All chapters of the hand book has a similar set up for each unit. First we study the typical Hungarian aspects of the topic, for example marriage, then three similar examples will be described from at least three different other cultures. In the third part we advice 4-5 tips how to memorise the new information in a playful, interactive way.

If you would like to donate our foundation please see our Support-conditions page where you will find some information about the donating process.