“We bring you the World to your home” Foundation

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“We bring you the World to your home” Foundation



The Idea of creating the Foundation was born because of the fact, that most of the Hungarian children don’t have the opportunity to meet or live together people from foreign cultures, since there are only a few foreign populations living in Hungary especially in the country. Tourists from different countries visit only a few cities besides Budapest, therefore our children could learn about cultural diversity only in school, or from documentary films on TV.

Our Foundation’s aims are to familiarize every 5-10 years old child in Hungary from preschools and in primary education with foreign nations and culture by organising interactive courses, seminars.

Why is it so important?


Hungary is a member of the EU; this means that we are part of a multicultural community where these different nations and cultures are working together to build a happier future. Hungary is one of the newest members, and Hungarian people are famous for their hospitality.

It is important to teach our children about multiculturalism and to introduce them different nations and cultures since the more they know about the world, the more success will Hungary achieve in co-operation with other nations.

Our strong belief is that in order to improve children’s own individuality it is important to introduce them to other cultures and nations besides their own. They will be able to find their places in the world and their self-confidence will be stronger in this early childhood already. Meeting with different nations and cultures in these early years help them living their lives anywhere in the world much more easily.

Children compare themselves with the others in the class, compare their mothers with other’s mother, the rules at home with the rules in the school, and during this comparing process they will learn how different we all are and how should he or she behave in different situations.

During the process of learning about different nations and other cultures, they can discover their own also by comparing it with others, thus they can appreciate their own Hungarian nationality and culture much more.

Those children who grow up in a multicultural environment will be much more tolerant, sensible and receptive to new ideas. They will learn languages, art, and habits, traditions of different nations more willingly and will try different traditional cuisines more easily.

We would like to help families and schools everywhere in Hungary by co-operating with them to teach children about multicultural diversity in their schools or abode.

The “We bring you the World to your home” Foundation (Official Address: 5700 Gyula, Laktanya u. 1., Registration Number: 2590, Tax Identification Number: 18150526-1-24) was founded in December 2010 by a private person.